T4SD Peru Hubs

Main contributions to Peruvian enterprises

  • Strengthened competitiveness of exporting MSMEs in the agricultural and forestry sectors, by improved productive and commercial practices in the framework of green businesses, as well as the tools that help MSMEs qualify for the financing of green funds.
  • Inclusion of sustainable business strategies in MSMEs daily operations to increase their participation in international value chains.
  • Access to individual assistance on compliance with voluntary sustainability standards required by international buyers, identifying gaps in compliance with standards, implementing practices to address the gaps and preparing for certification and audits;
  • Access to individual coaching by experienced coaches on improving and optimizing resources consumption, reducing costs and implementing circular production practices;
  • Connections to potential buyers in export markets and to financiers such as banks and investors.

“Peru is one of the 10 megadiverse countries in the world, which together hosts 70% of the planet’s biodiversity”

Get to know the Peru hub on Sustainability Map

Connect with the hub team, trained coaches and enterprises currently connected

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The Hub Host Organization

The Peruvian Exporters Association (ADEX) is a leading business guild founded in 1973 to support the national development of Peruvian foreign trade, to increase competitiveness of the export sector and the promotion of exports.

The Peru Hub team

Some of the trained coaches

Sandra Cabrera, T4SD Peru Hub Lead
Fiorella Pizzini, Peru Hub Coordinator
Maira Vittorelli, Peru Hub Coach
Natalia Quispe, Peru Hub Coach
Roxana Caballero, Peru Hub Coach

Some enterprises currently enrolled

Almazara Fundo Verde SAC
Manutata S.A.C
Helados y Chupetes Super Frio's SRL
Aceite de coco peru

Connect with a sustainable community

Latest Peru Hub stories and news

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Get involved with the Peru Hub

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