Ecosystem support

Scaling up the capacity of multipliers and business support organizations.

What we do

Providing business support organisations and private sector service providers with knowledge and skills to enable MSMEs  to implement sustainable business practices.

Why we do it

Business support organisations and private sector service providers at times lack the information, knowledge and skills to promote sustainability effectively and rarely offer specific sustainability-related services that adequately incentivize MSMEs.

How we do it

We provide access to advisory services enabling MSMEs to implement sustainable business practices, on topics such as resource efficiency and circular production, climate resilience, adoption of voluntary sustainability standards and access to green finance and markets.

Event: The T4SD Forum
October 2020 (virtual event)

Emerging Stronger: Good Trade In A Post-Covid-19 World

What are some “lessons learned” from the crisis? How can we use this as an opportunity to hit the reset button and build more resilient, inclusive and sustainable value chains? How can “good trade” be part of the solution?

The Good Trade Summit convened over 1200 participants from the trade and development community, entrepreneurs, business leaders, government officials and inspirational speakers from 120 countries to share experiences, showcase initiatives across ITC’s networks, encourage networking and brainstorm rebuilding a more equitable and sustainable future.

Standards Map:
Your roadmap to sustainable trade

A free tool to find transparent information and discover trends on standards for environmental protection, labour rights, business ethics and more.

Explore, compare and analyse over 300 standards

Evaluate the market trends

Connect with sustainable enterprises

Assess your business online

Knowledge Centre

A short introduction to this section of the website.

Explore our Hubs by location

T4SD Hubs in Ghana, Kenya, LAO PDR, Nepal, Peru, Viet Nam offer solutions and tools for SMEs to build their skills and increase their knowledge to implement sustainable business practices through virtual and face-to-face coaching programmes focusing on key aspects such as sustainability standards, climate resilience, resource efficiency, circular production and access to green finance and markets.

Selected projects

More in our portfolio